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ISHS 2012

III International Humulus Symposium

The 3rd International Society for Horticultural Science (ISHS) International Humulus Symposium was held 9-14th September 2012 in the historic city of Zatec (Saaz), Czech Republic. The Symposium was supported by the ISHS Section on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, the ISHS Commission on Plant Genetic Resources and the ISHS Commission on Fruits and Vegetables and Health, in collaboration with the Hop Research Institute Co.Ltd. Zatec, Czech Republic and The University of Tasmania, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia. The Symposium was held at the conference facilities of the Hop Research Institute.

Dr. Josef Patzak (co-convener)
Prof. Dr. Anthony Koutoulis (co-convener)


1. Hop Breeding and Molecular Biology
2. Plant Pathology, Virology, Entomology
3. Chemistry and Plant Physiology
4. Hop Cultivation and Management
5. Hop, Indispensable Raw Material for Brewing
6. Hop, Beer and Health

Symposium program with oral and poster presentation titles is here.

The book of Symposium abstracts is available now!!!

More detailed informations about ISHS Humulus symposium 2012. Preliminary program, accomodation, travel Information, prices etc.

The list of symposium sponsors.

Next Symposium

5th ISHS International Humulus Symposium
Europe, Germany, Stuttgart
8 - 12 March 2021
More ...

Previous Symposiums

4th ISHS International Humulus Symposium
USA, Washington, Yakima
4 - 8 August 2015
More ...

3rd ISHS International Humulus Symposium
Europe, Czech Republic, Žatec
9 - 14 September 2012
More ...

2nd ISHS International Humulus Symposium
Europe, Belgium, Ghent
1 - 5 September 2008
More ...

1st ISHS International Humulus Symposium
USA, Oregon, Corvallis
1 - 7 August 2004
More ...

The photogallery is available when you click "EN" and "ISHS 2012":

or straight here:


The article about ISHS Humulus symposium was published in Chronica Horticulturae

  ©2012 Chmelařský institut s.r.o.
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